Our Promise
Pawz4aCoz will donate a minimum of 10% of the proceeds from all orders placed through our site to no-kill animal shelters and no-kill animal organizations doing great work.
We will NEVER show disturbing or sad photos.
Links and Info
Harmful Foods for Cats Good information for all cat lovers.
DIY Feral Cat Shelters Winter is just around the corner. If you can't bring a cat in, here is a great link for outside shelter options.
Cats and Cold Weather Information on winterizing your cat.
We hope you find the links below helpful. Please note we tried to make sure each link was from a reputiable site. Research carefully before acting upon ANY information, we are not vets, nor animal experts. You should consult your vet before treating your animal on your own.
Click on the title for more information about the topic of interest.
Harmful Foods Dogs Should NEVER Eat Every dog owner should know and share this information.
Toxic Rock Salt - Protect your companian this winter.
Add't Interesting Links
11 Fall Pet Danagers to Avoid - From Hartz a MUST read.
National Geographic Great link for finding out more about the animals you love most.
Compare Pet Health Insurance Compare insurance options and find one that works best for you and your pet(s).
Winter Weather Tips for pet owners.